The children arrived to find a skeleton was occupying bathroom number 3 and had one of the pumpkins on his lap while sitting on the toilet. This created a lot of excitement and laughter in the class. The children decided we needed to decorate the bathroom for Halloween.
We made a giant spider for our haunted bathroom. Friends helped each other cut the spider out and staple the legs on before hanging it from the ceiling.
After creating pumpkin faces yesterday the children had a clearer idea of what type of face they wanted me to carve on our pumpkin. We voted, of course, on what types of eyes, eyebrows, nose, and mouth it should have.
We also voted on our choice of book. Today they had to choose between Frankencrayon by Michael Hall and The creepy pair of underwear by Aaron Reynolds.
The creepy pair of underwear won with ten votes. Another landslide victory.
SURPRISE! We changed the dress up to a doctor's surgery. The doctors were busy examining the body. Deciding where the organs should go and bandaging broken bones.
Brooklyn: It’s when you put on costumes.
Kaia: It’s in 3 days. No, tomorrow!
Ren: When you go trick or treating.
Eli: It’s a thing when you put up Halloween decorations and you go trick or treating.
Lucy: When you put on scary costumes.
Livio: It’s a special kind of day when you put on costumes and you go trick or treating.
Charlotte: When you go outside and you eat candy.
Annie: When you put on your costume and go trick or treating with pumpkin buckets.
Jenna: When people put on costumes and they go outside to wear costumes.
Max: When the scary monsters come out.
Ms. Small: Are they real or pretend?
Max: They're pretend.