Monday, October 26, 2020



We started our morning out in Lundholm woods.   It was a cold and beautiful morning.  The masks helped keep our faces warm.  

Before going to work choices we looked at our pumpkin and guessed how many seeds would be inside.  There was a wide range of guesses.

Lucy:         ten
Mila:         one hundred
Jenna:        one hundred
Grace:       three
Farrah:      one hundred
Livio:        one million
Charlotte:  one thousand
Brooklyn:  three thousand
Annie:       one thousand
Kaia:         one hundred
Maxi:        one hundred
Max:         one million
Ren:          one billion

We will find out tomorrow if anyone was close to the correct number.

When I opened the pumpkin a few people were initially disgusted by the inside, but they still helped get the seeds out.  We started using spoons but most people quickly realized it was easier to use our hands.  


                              Kaia came up with the idea of using a flashlight so we could see inside.

Later on in the week we will vote on what type of face we want to give the pumpkin.

November 3rd is quickly approaching and some of the children have commented on the upcoming election.  Pre-Kers will vote each day this week.  They will vote on which book they want me to read at storyteller time.  Today they had a choice of  Mind your manners B.B. Wolf and Ordinary Mary's Extraordinary Deed.

If they wanted me to read this book they picked
 a yellow 
piece of paper and wrote their name on it.

If they wanted me to read this book they picked
 a red piece of paper and wrote their name on it.

Today there was not a very good turn out at the polls.  Only four people chose to vote.  We discussed that if you do not vote you cannot get upset at the result. All four voters chose  Mind your manners B.B. Wolf by Judy Sierra.  

We ended with a short conversation about manners.

Ms Small: What are manners?

Annie: Be good.

Lucy: Be nice.

Livio: You need to be nice.

Max: And listen.

Ren: You need to behave.

Annie: You have to behave at the table.

Ms. Small: What manners did you notice BB Wolf use?

Jenna: Excuse me.

Ren: No biting.

Ms. Small: Can you think of a time you used nice manners?

Annie: At the table.

Lucy: I was nice at the Mall of America.

Brooklyn: My mommy asked for help and I helped her.

Max: I helped my dad.

Ms. Small: What can you say if a friend is struggling with the cap of a pen?

Jenna: Do you need help?

Ms. Small: What if someone is playing at the dollhouse, and you want to play, too?

Livio: May I please have a turn when you’re done?

What was different about the pond?

What animal tracks did you see on your hike?

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