Tuesday, November 3, 2020


We started our corn stalk drawings today.  It can be challenging to draw something from nature.    We talked about being Scientists, observing nature, drawing what we see and labeling it.  We looked at the roots, the stalk, the leaves, the corn and the husk surrounding it.  

Before P.E. I let everyone know that I noticed how  well friends played together compared to yesterday when friends seemed tired, angry and easily frustrated with one another.  Part of Pre-K is learning how to self regulate when we have big emotions like anger.  I asked the class if they ever got angry and what they do  to calm down.  

Ms. Small: Have you ever felt angry? What do you do when you’re angry?

Charlotte: Sometimes Jules plays without me, with my characters and that makes me angry. The rule at home is that everyone can play with everyone’s things.

Ren: When I feel angry, my dad tells me to go to my room, and then I look out the window. That helps me.

Livio: My mom and dad tell me to go to my room. Sometimes my brother plays with me when I’m sad. A lot of times I get in trouble and I get mad.

Kaia: When I’m mad, I go to my bed. My mom asks me to go to my room.

Annie: Mommy just tells me to go to my room. Sometimes she yells and that makes me angry, and I shout at my brothers.

We will continue talking about this emotion over the next few days.  Thinking about how our body feels and looks when we are angry.  As well as finding ways they can  help themselves when they get angry.  Acknowledging that anger is a normal everyday emotion that we all experience.  We also have to make sure that we learn to control the emotion so our bodies and others around us are safe.  It is always interesting to listen to their ideas.  I can't wait to see where our conversation leads.

We read another book by Andrea Beaty called Ada Twist, Scientist.  We discussed how Ada was similar to the Pre-Kers because she had so many questions in her brain.  


What was Ada Twist trying to figure out?

What are question words? (clue: they were in the book and most of them begin with 'W')

What do your family do to calm down when they are angry?

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