Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Farrah's 5th Birthday

Children started putting their valentines cards into their bags.  Do not worry if your child has not finished theirs, we will not be sealing the bags and sending them home till Thursday.  

At the big art table friends had the option of making cards for each other.  

Jenna created a beautiful valentine picture with "purple rain."  (No connection to the artist previously known as Prince.)

Brooklyn, Maddie and Maxi spent a long time making play-doh popsicles and sweets. 

Coincidence! we had popsicles while celebrating Farrah's 5th birthday.  

Heather and Kario zoom linked in to help celebrate.  Farrah received lots of birthday wishes and everyone respectfully moved back while she briefly took her mask off to blow out her candle.

Continuing our theme of how people can make a change in the world.  We ended our day by reading this book.  Telling how one little girls act of kindness led to other people being kind to each other.  

What acts of kindness could you do for other people?
What did you play in P.E.?


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