Friday, April 23, 2021

Playing the trumpet

We were hoping for warmer weather this morning so Brooklyn's grandpa Steve could visit us outside the PK playground and play his trumpet.  The area in front  of the school helped us stay dry while we listened and danced to a few familiar tunes, singing along when we knew the words.

Trumpet playing

We returned to the classroom to make tea and toast for work choice time.   Stepping outside of our comfort zone to experience something for the first time can be difficult, so I was surprised how many students were willing to try.

We had a choice of three teas, Berry, Lemon and Peppermint. Berry and Peppermint were popular.  Toast was a big hit with options of butter, cream cheese, jam, honey and sunbutter.

At the end of the morning Mr Andrews told us another Gunny wolf story.

What were the names of the three musical instruments?

What was the wah-wah and how was it used?

What tunes did Brooklyn's grandpa play?

Who is Gunny wolfs' friend?

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