Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Ren's Birthday

During workchoices we asked friends to come to their last Have to and draw their favorite memory from PreK.  Some friends found it difficult to pick just one and drew two or three pictures.


During our transition to Ren's birthday celebration I read a short book called Maybe.
A story about how amazing you are and how you can achieve what ever you put your mind to.

We celebrated Ren's 5th birthday.  The last birthday of the school year.  Celebrated in true PreK style with popsicles while Merceds read 'Wacky Wednesday'.  A fun book about a boy going to school who notices lots of wacky things going on in his home, school and around his neighborhood.

What was your favorite memory from PreK?
What happened at the end of the book 'Maybe'?
What was one wacky thing you remember that happened in 'Wacky Wednesday'?

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