Thursday, September 10, 2020



Jenna arrived via Zoom for our morning meeting a little early giving her time to chat with friends in the class .

During morning meeting we discussed what it means to be Welcoming to others,  and what welcoming behavior looks like in the classroom.

Ren: "It means Hello."

I introduced making headbands at the large table.  Every one used staplers, tape, scissors and markers to create and decorate their masks.  Learning to use a stapler can be a new experience for some friends.  

Everyone that came over chose fancy tape to decorate their crown and keep  in their supply drawer. for other projects.  

There is not always enough time in the day to play games, and make headbands ,so we will offer this project at the large table again tomorrow.

I don't know if anyone is familiar with the game Dwarves and Dice.  You have to roll three dice and then find the dwarves that are wearing cap, jacket and pants with those 3 colors.  The winner is the one with the most dwarves at the end of the game.  This. matching game relies on observation and speed and is a lot of fun.

Before going to P.E. we read another Mo Willems book My new friend is so much fun!

Then off to P.E. This is the first time we have walked through the hallway and the class stayed in a single file line, remembering to be respectful of the older students working in the classrooms.

Ms Castillo stayed with the students to assist Ms. Wahl.  The video is a small clip of the fun they had pretending to be an animal.


Our class were surprised by how warm it was after the cold start to our day.

We made sand angels and sand castles.

While others worked their muscles digging the sand and pushing the wheelbarrow.




What new games have you learned?
When you see the number 2 or 4 on a workchoice what does that mean?
What was your favorite story time book this week?  What was your favorite part?

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