Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Model magic Self Portraits

More self portrait work, this time using model magic.  The children were more self reliant as they already had the knowledge and skills they learned making their play-doh self portrait.  

         Continuing our theme of people to be inspired by we read this autobiography by Jonah Larson.

Jonah tells how he grew up in Wisconsin and learned how to crochet.  He found something he really loved to do and donated or gifted what he made to others.  A few friends seemed interested in trying to learn to finger knit or crochet.  Time for me to bring in my yarn and crochet hooks.  

 It felt a little confusing and a nice surprise  that on our first day back we would have P.E. with Ms. Wahl. 

Even better it was warm enough for us to go outside, YEAH! 


Can you find something in the house that contains the letter V?

What type of things did Jonah make?

What are you good at?

Measuring, pouring, cleaning, so much work and so little time.

Farrah put the funnel and tube together so that she and Lucy could talk to one another.
 (Their mouths are not actually touching the funnels, and it was sprayed down after they had finished playing.)

While some friends were playing puppies in dress up.  A few insisted they were just playing a game and were not puppies,  but barked and followed directions like puppies.  

Eli has them well trained (whatever they are).

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