Monday, April 5, 2021



I hope everyone enjoyed their Spring Break.  Even though I enjoyed my break it was exciting to be back and see  the children.   They all seemed to have grown.

 Due to the unusually warm weather students had the option of making a work choice in the classroom or on the playground.

Friends noticed how many ladybugs were on the windows in Prek and started to collect them.  By sharing with each other what knowledge we  already have about Ladybugs we found out that they have wings.   They are red or orange.  That ladybugs have a yellow stinky liquid and they like crawling on the window and ceiling.  They all agreed we should put them  outside.  We also found out which friends are OK, and which friends are not OK with picking up ladybugs.   

Mr Andrews continued to call people over to paint their self portraits.  Brooklyn mixed the paint colors to create just the right color for her hair and lips.

The sand and water  area stays in shade throughout most of the morning and was a popular choice.  A few friends were making homes for the ladybugs.  While others were busy cooking.

It seems like such a long time since we last had the large building blocks out.  Anne is testing to see if the structure that she, Nora and Harlan worked on is stable.

Max, Ren and Henry added a few finishing touches.  Today it was more about the process of building rather than playing with what they had created.

At the end of the morning instead of reading a book I shared information about a girl called Bria Neff who is 13 years old and has been raising money for endangered animals since she was 8 years old.  We looked at some of her artwork and found out she has raised over $70,000 to help save endangered species.

What does Endangered mean?
Does your animal you are studying have the letter E in it?

Reminder about  blankets, and stuffies for rest time if they stay for the afternoon.

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