Tuesday, April 6, 2021


This morning we continued our conversation about Ladybugs and read a book. 

 We looked at what they eat, how many legs they have and what eats them.

Max: If you pull them off something they die. 
Kaia: They have big wings and polka dots.
Livio: They have yellow stuff.
Ms Lawrence asked what do ladybugs eat?
Everyone: Leaves.
Max: Things from gardens
Jenna: And bugs.
Ren: I know they eat grasshoppers, I think they do.  
Kaia: Some ladybugs can be orange, yellow or purple.
Ms lawrence showed us pictures of ladybugs when they are babies
Garce: It's a cocoon
Max: They grow new skin in their cocoon
We looked at a picture of a newborn ladybug with no spots.
Kaia: It looks like an eyeball.
They was a image of a bird eating a ladybug.
Max: It's a woodpecker.

Livio, Farrah, Chloe and Harlan set up the farm.  Livio took charge of all the wild animals and attacked the farm.  Farrah placed the roosters on top of the farm to sound the alarm and warn the farm animals.

Mila: "The sun comes in here" pointing to the wall "And then" she moved the mirror to showing us how the  light appeared up on the ceiling. 

Building a gorilla 

Self portraits

Waiting for their pizza order from Bowie's pizza shop.

Snack break

Before P.E. Ren's dad, Ben joined us and read

Benjamin celebrate his 9th birthday.  He loves his birthday so much he tries to extend the fun by re-wrapping his presents.  Then he moves on to wrapping the furniture in his home.   When it reaches his 10th birthday he realizes how he has everything he needs and is grateful.

After saying thank you to Ben for reading the story we realised we still had time to read another book before P.E.

We voted earlier today on whether we should start reading  the  Three little pigs or Goldilocks.  The Three little pigs won by one vote.   

Each day we will look at a different version of the same story making note of what is the same and what is different in each book.  Over the next few weeks we will read fiction and non-fiction books about animals.  The cool thing about this book is that one of our students is studying pigs.

Who is studying pigs?
What items did Benjamin wrap up so that he could keep pretending it was his birthday?
What was our question of the day? 


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