Friday, May 7, 2021

Pancakes and Pajamas


Yesterday the class came up with, What's your favorite thing for Breakfast? for our question of the day.

As you can see from the chart we had two very clear winners.  

We read Yard Sale by Eve Bunting.  Before reading I asked "What is a yard sale?

Lucy: It's when somebody gets rid of the stuff they don't want in their house.

The story is seen from the eyes of the little girl.  It is about a family moving from their house to an apartment.  The apartment is a lot smaller and they have to sell a lot of their possessions.

I asked the class How many students have moved house?  A lot of friends raised their hand.

Brooklyn: I'm moving.
Livio: I'm gonna move to Colorado.
Maxi: I'm moving to a new state, from New York.
Brooklyn: I moved from New York!

Pancake and Pajama day

Everyone was very excited about pajama day.  Adding to the excitement was the knowledge we were making pancakes.  Adding to the excitement was the smell of bacon as the children entered the room.  Mr Andrews surprised everyone by buying some bacon as it was just as popular as bacon he felt we should buy some.  We went outside before starting workchoices releasing some of our energy, and enjoying the sun. 

When we returned to the classroom we were joined by Max's mom Romina who shared her love of the Olympic games.  She had always dreamed of participating.  Growing up  she competed in many international gymnastics events almost making it to the Olympics but breaking her foot a couple of months before.  I can't even imagine how devastating that must have felt.

                            Romina explained how each rings color is connected to a continent.  

And how each torch and mascot is different.  For this Olympics the torch and mascots look like this:

During work choice time Ren and Farrah created their own Olympic posters. Showing what their mascots would look like.

While other friends watched a few highlights from the 2016 Olympics in Rio.

We ran out of chairs but this did not deter some of our students.  Anne decided to use big blocks to create benches having a specific design already in mind. Very stable!

A group of students helped make the pancake batter and chop the fruit.  Almost everyone had a pancake.


                                              All of the pancakes were gluten free, and non dairy, and very yummy.

There is a gift for mothers day in your child's backpack wrapped in tissue paper.  No peaking till Sunday.
The class worked hard to write messages to go with the gift.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.  See you Monday.


What fruit did we add to the pancakes?

What color olympic ring represents north and south America?

What sports are played in the Olympic games?

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