Monday, May 3, 2021



Friday morning we all answered Ren's question of the day.  The winner was pancakes.  Leading friends to come to the conclusion that we needed to have another pancakes day.  Charlotte had also mentioned a desire to have another pajama day.  On Friday we will put both of those together and have a pajama and pancake day.  If you have any questions let me know. 

At this time of year a lot of people grow vegetables.  We started an experiment with pea seeds.  Asking the question What does a plant need to grow?

We also made chocolate chip cookies.  Students helped to weigh ingredients, mix and get them ready for the oven.  There was enough for everyone including the teachers, delicious!

Book making was part of todays work choices.  We listened to a few of the books at the end of the morning.  Stories about unicorns, panthers, and gorillas.  Fiction and non-fiction.

Another option was planting pea seeds.  Students worked together to plant seeds in the soil.  Making the decision that we should water the seeds and place the containers on a windowsill because as our students said, "Plants need light."

Before we read our story Charlotte presented her animal study on Pandas.  Quite a few friends shared that they were also planning  an animal presentation.  I look forward to seeing them.

What do plants need to grow?
What did you learn about pandas from Charlotte's presentation?

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