Thursday, September 24, 2020



Today was all about marble runs.  Friends used the rubber ramp with marbles to see if they went down the ramp the same way the wooden balls and golf balls do. Faster or slower?


I brought out a slightly more complicated marble run called Quadrilla.   The pieces do not stack the way you think they would.  Some of the class experimented with the marble run to figure out how to make the marbles go down the ramps and along the track.  This clip below shows some of the problem solving that went into trying to make a marble go fast enough from one side of the ramp to the other.  The children spent over half an hour trying to figure out different ways. 

I sanitized it at the end of the day, instead of putting it in quarantine for a week, so we can continue our investigation tomorrow.

  Before P.E. we read I am enough by Grace Byers.   Another great book about loving who you are, and being kind and respectful.

This lead in to a discussion about the way we want to be treated by others, and how we should treat people in our Community.  We started a list of rules for our classroom. 

CHARLOTTE: Using kind words.

REN: No hitting, biting, punching, spitting or kicking.

JENNA: Being nice to people.

LUCY: You can always be nice to people.

KAIA: My mommy has rules, too.  No punching people, and no kicking.

MAX: No punching.

LIVIO: I kind of don't have any rules at home.

KAIA: No running downstairs. Malaia was running down the stairs and she fell.

We will continue to add to the list and post our rules somewhere in the classroom for everyone to see.

Due to the rain this morning we decided to put on our rain boots and pants and see if we could find any puddles to splash out.  We were disappointed to find they had all dried up but Mr. Billadeau decided we could create our own  puddles and used the water hose to spray part of the sidewalk.  We filled the water table to cool down due to the heat. 


What rules do you have at home?  Are they the same or different for school?

What did you play with in P.E.?

Thank you for all the seeds we have received so far. 

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