Monday, September 14, 2020


 The children started their morning without me.  I will explain briefly later on in the blog, but for now we will just call it Ms. Small's big mistake.   Ms. Castillo took the lead.  When I arrived I found the children were happily engaged in their morning work choices.  

Ren and Livio were having a whale and shark battle.

While Lucy, and Mila played marbles.

Kaia created a sturdy rope system which she was able to use to practice her gymnastic skills.  At the same time inspiring others to try out the gym equipment.  They organized a line to wait for their turn.

Maxi and Max were more interested in how the rope system was set up.

Working together to make sure the ropes stayed tight.

Transitioning to music and the marble run on one side of the classroom.

While others opted for the quieter side of the room.

Leading us to story time, where friends heard two stories.  One was called Ms. Small's big mistake.   I shared with the class how every morning I go to the gym before school.  I got to the gym this morning and realized I had forgot my gym bag which meant, no clothes etc.  I explained how it takes me nearly an hour to get to work each morning and that I had to drive back home, shower and change and then drive to school.    What a great opportunity to talk about mistakes and how it is OK to make mistakes, especially when you come to school, as you are still learning.  Even if you are the teacher:)

Then we read I like myself by Karen Beaumont.  

Can you remember one thing that the little girl liked about herself?
What is one thing you like about yourself?

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