Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Today we were Scientists. When I first explained to the class that they were going to be Scientists. The class had a lot of questions and comments on the subject.  The children already identified themselves as Scientists and were able to share knowledge with the rest of the class.

CHARLOTTE: I'm already a Scientist because I look for bugs then I study them.
JENNA: A lot of bugs come to our garden and help it grow.
MAX: I saw a lot of bugs in Boston
BROOKLYN: I found a caterpillar.  It went to the top of the tree.
LIVIO: I found these at my grandpa and grandma's house.(milkweed seeds)
BROOKLYN: We have flies in our apartment.
REN: I don't like flies because they're not very nice and they're annoying.
KAIA: One time I saw a mouse and a lot of bugs under my car.

I agreed that all Pre-K children were Scientists because they have so many great questions in their brains which is exactly how Scientists brains work.  Today we were observing items from nature and identifying which were close in color to our skin  Each child decided which one they thought was close to their skin color.  Rocks and shells proved interesting.  Depending on where you look on the rock or shell, you can see 3 or 4 different colors.

We do not expect the students to find an exact match but to start thinking about what their skin color looks like and what it is similar to.  

Ms. Wahl remembered her promise to get the scooters out this week for P.E.  

At the end of the morning we read Black is brown is tan by Arnold Adoff.  Looking at a family that talk about how they are all different colors yet they are the same in so many other ways.

I challenged the class to remember the item from nature they had picked that they thought matched their skin color.

They all remembered the item they chose.  

Outside the class started a game of football (American football :)     I am grateful that Ms. Castillo knows how to play the game as I will confess I do not know how to play American or English football. 

Here are some extra photos from today.  There are so many great photos that we take of the children each day, and I have the difficult task of deciding which ones go in the blog .  You will get all of the photos eventually.  I am compiling a digital folder for each child and you will receive all of the photos and video clips that your child is in at the end of the school year.


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