Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 The Lower school office donated a lot of boxes to Pre-k which the children put to good use.  Creating helicopters, drums, and airplanes as well as adding to the robot that I started to build last week with a few students.

During group time I introduced Clay.  I put a block of clay out for friends  to explore and experience this medium.  They had to dig pieces of clay out with their hands.  Then decide what to create. The children that came over today loved the feel of the clay especially when using slip.

I explained that we use slip when sticking two pieces of clay together, it works the same way glue does with paper.  We use three words to help us remember  

SCRATCH - Scratch both pieces where you want them to stick. 

SLIP - Dip your finger into the slip (clay and water) and wet scratched surfaces. 

SMOOTH - Place the pieces together and smooth the clay together using more slip if needed.

Farrah was using the slip

GRACE: I need that too!

Farrah passed the slip to Grace

FARRAH to GRACE: Are you, gonna, kind of, use all that glue?

FARRAH: I'm trying to make a sculpture.

GRACE: It (the clay) feels sticky when you do this. (she was tapping her fingers on the ball of clay which had lots of slip on top)

FARRAH to ME: Are you going to write down everything we say?

GRACE: I like this.

FARRAH: I like it too.

Other friends told stories as they used their clay

ANNIE: I made a dog. Jumpy.  She told me she called him Jumpy because he jumps and showed me how he jumped up and down.

ANNIE: I'm gonna make him a friend.  She thought for a moment before telling me he was called Petty, the tomato.  She showed me how Jumpy carries Petty on his back.   Transitioning quickly from this story to creating an octopus, inspired by a spider that Charlotte was making.

Charlotte tried to scare me with the giant spider. Thank goodness, it wasn't real.

Ren made a person then transitioned to making pizzas.  

Problem! What do you do when your mask is falling down but your hands are covered in clay?
That's what teachers are for;)

Mila made the letter V.   We started thinking of words with the letter V.  It looks like a volcano.

MAX:It's an Island, an Hawaiian Island.

JENNA: I made a person his name is two bunny ears cause they're like two bunny ears.

JENNA: My mom always says, " I want to go to Hawaii."  I don't really care.
 (about going to Hawaii herself)

LUCY: My grandma went to Hawaii and went close to a volcano.
                                 LUCY: I made a chair with a seat belt and a snowman.
                                 MAX: It's a baby. 
                                 LUCY: Yes, it's a baby snowman.

LIVIO: Look at my bird

At the end of the morning we read Barnyard song by Rhonda Gowler Greene about animals that get a cold and can't make their normal sounds.  We acted the story out.  Friends chose to be an animal or  the audience. 

Then we went out to play in the snow. 

What sound does the letter 'M' make?

What did you learn in P.E. today?


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