Monday, October 12, 2020


During group time this morning we drew pictures of fruits and vegetables.  Discussing the difference between the model magic fruits and vegetables which are 3D, and the drawings which are 2D (flat).  

While we were working on looking at what we were drawing, thinking about the shape and drawing what we see.   A couple of friends used their imaginations to create carrot people, which inspired a few others to follow.  Who could say no to a smiling carrot?

Putting on our rain gear we headed to Lundholm woods and splashed in a few puddles, squelched in wet wood chips, and mud.  Making note that the ducks had left the pond to find a warmer place to live.

               We found a different trail leading into the woods and played in the area we call The Den.  

Climbing up and down the hill,  balancing, carrying logs.  

Or having a quiet moment to ourselves.  

Everyone enjoyed experiencing the difference between a wet, damp woods compared to earlier in the year when it was dry.  Noticing the difference in how the woods smelled.  How the trees, and rotting wood felt, and the sound of the leaves as we walked along.

On returning to the classroom students had the opportunity to paint their model magic creations from last week with watercolor paints.

At the end of the morning we read Tops and Bottoms Adapted and Illustrated by Janet Stevens.  The story is about a lazy bear and a clever hare.

Why is the book called Tops and bottoms?
What fruit or vegetable did you decide to draw?
What was one thing that you remember about you hike to Lundholm woods?
What happens when you shake the branches on trees after it has rained?


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