Monday, March 8, 2021

Feels like Spring

 What a beautiful day, it definitely feels like Spring.

Workchoice time included playing in the Pre-K playground.  Friends decided if they wanted to play outside, inside or both throughout the morning.  The teachers took a trip to the woods before students arrived and found some large branches for our playground.  

As the weather became warmer we were able to shed some of our winter gear allowing us to enjoy being out in the sun.

Farrah shared an interesting book with us called

The book shows the tracks of many wild animals and their poop.  Helping people to identify what animal has been in the area.

Friends made some really good observations about the tracks and poop.

JENNA: They look like orange slices (bison tracks)
REN: That looks like raindrops (deer tracks) and that looks like jalapenos (bison tracks)
MAX agreed with Ren
GRACE: What is the animal that made scratches?
Ms Lawrence showed Grace the picture of the badger
REN: The bear poop, it's exactly like my dogs poop. 
CHARLOTTE: Can I look at the book during rest time?
LIVIO: Why are we not going to the woods today? 
Ms Lawrence explained we would try and go to the woods toward the end of the week or next week.
MAXI: How long is a raccoon?
Ms; Lawrence got the raccoon pelt off the shelf and let everyone feel it

We have a few different pelts that we put out at this time of the year so friends can feel the fur of a rabbit, coyote, raccoon, bison, deer and skunk.  

Here are some of the tracks we looked at

What is scat?
What sound does the letter B make?
Can you remember any of the B words we added today?

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