The rain slowed down enough that we offered the option of being outside.
Brooklyn:" The rain is like a sink coming from the sky."
Lucy: "Yes it is."
A group of friends worked together to drain the water off the swing.
It was a squeeze but everyone that wanted to get on the swing managed to fit.
Maxi and Eli worked together to create a pulley system. Eli positioned himself at the top of the tower pulling the bucket to the top. While Maxi was at the bottom filling the bucket. Teamwork!
Midway through the morning it started to rain very hard causing us to all go back inside and find another work choice.
Some students worked on coloring and tracing animals that they and their friends are studying.
Both requires a steady hand and patience. Giving our students the opportunity to look closely at the shape and color of the animals both classes are studying.
Max made a spaceship in big blocks last week and the group of boys remembered how to rebuild it, with Max's help.
Even on a spaceship all you need is your nintendo ( the popsicle sticks with red and blue tape) and a good book.
I love this picture of Max diving into the boxes to find just the right one he needs to add to their spaceship. This corner of our invention center is not the most aesthetically pleasing for an adults eyes, but it is a feast for a child's imagination.
With the rain still pouring down we decided to take a break from reading a book and took both classes to the Lobby for some large muscle activities. We played freeze tag, ships across the ocean, and color wheel captain. At the end of the morning we Played GoNoodle while we transitioned to noon dismissal for some of our students and prepared for lunch.
What is a Predator ?
What do predators teeth look like?
Is your animal a predator?
All Kaia could talk about was playing in the light rain today! So fun!!