Monday, April 12, 2021

Memorable Monday

 This morning was quite an adventure.  You may be aware that as our day started the fire alarm sounded.  It was a false alarm, Thank goodness! We were excited to see a police car and fire chiefs car turn up.  A few friends were getting cold so we hopped onto one of the buses to wait, and tried to persuade Mr. Andrews to take us to Hawaii.  We rand out of time. The alarm was switched off and it was time to go into class.

During morning meeting friends looked at pictures and books of their animal.  Each child picked out their favorite picture which we will share tomorrow.  

As so often happens with our conversations during morning meetings we covered a number of wide ranging topics.  Talking about our animals, discussing the Amydala, then  friends decided they wanted to share what they want to be when they grow up.

Livio: I want to be a police.

Charlotte: I want to be a detective.

Lucy: i want to be a unicorn trainer.

Max: i want to be an astronaut and scientist.

Maxi: I want to be a guy that buys things. Lego, and builds them.

Kaia: A mother.

Ren: A scientist and a Zookeeper,  like the Como zoo.

Anne: A mother and work with my mommy. I said this to mommy.  I am going to stay at home my whole entire life.  

Kaia and Lucy started playing dog and cat in dress up with Hazel.  They were very fierce and a little scarey.  Fortunately Hazel knew how to take care of them and  feed them.  

        Eli and friends joined in the fun.  Every time I tried to take a photo they would run away.

Inspired by the animal books, friends were interested in trying to paint a picture of their animal.  Farrah created a black panther.  Anne created  a painting of her dog.

                         At the end of the morning we read The three little wolves and the big bad pig.  

This was very different from the first two books.  After reading the story we discussed the similarities and differences.

Max:  Two wolves.  A wolf in each story.  Pig in each story and houses in each story.
Ren: The pigs now a friend.  I thought it was going to be backwards, bricks, sticks then straw.
Grace: They blew the houses down, in all of them.
Maxi:  In the end story you read, it was different from the others.  It had three wolves and the big bad pig.

How did you feel when the alarm went off and the police and firefighters arrived?

What was question of the day?

What types of houses did the three little wolves build?

What happened to their homes?

Why did the pig change?


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