Tuesday, April 13, 2021


 Last night Ramadan began and will continue until May 12th.  We read this book which briefly explains how muslims celebrate Ramadan.

The children were curious about prayer and fasting leading to the following conversation. 

Ren: What is Id-ul-Fitr?

Ms. Lawrence: It is a festival at the end of Ramadan. What is a festival?

Max: A party.

Ren: What is prayer?

Ms. Lawrence: Talking to God.

Ren: What if there was no Ramadan. 

Ren was concerned that he didn't celebrate it and wondered what he should do.  

Livio: We do Ramadan. We sometimes eat breakfast at night.

We explained how some people  have breakfast for dinner but that isn't fasting because we have eaten breakfast and lunch.  People who are fasting for Ramadan don't eat during the day.

Livio: Yes, I always eat breakfast, always!

We also clarified that young children, pregnant, and old people don't have to fast.

Ren:  I don't do that (Ramadan). Like I wear green for St. Patrick's day but I don't celebrate St. Patrick's day.  

Lori and Kashif Saroya have agreed to connect with us via Zoom and share more information about Ramadan at some point over the next month.  At present Jenna's sister Ari has a fever so Jenna and Ibrahim are at home.  We wish them a Ramadan Mubarak ! (Happy Ramadan)

                  During workchoice time a few friends started the morning playing board games.  

Ren and Henry created Teacher badges in the invention center.  Explaining how they were Mr. Gustafson and Mr Hennessy.  They helped by taking a couple of photos of students working.

Livio was taking care of the babies.   Dressing them in the new baby clothes we received.   Eli decided to be a wolf,  a friendly wolf helping Livio protect the babies.

At the end of the morning we read The three ninja pigs.  

Another version of the three little pigs different from the original.

We still had time before P.E. to look at the favorite pages they had chosen from their animal books and share them with the class.  

What was the same and different about the three ninja pigs book compared to the others we have read?
What did you like about the favorite page you chose in your animal book?

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