Sunday, April 18, 2021

Thursday and Friday

The wind was blowing in the right direction this evening and I managed to download the photos for the blog.


At the end of the morning we had a conversation about the animals they are studying.  We asked what do you want to learn about your animal?

Livio: What do flying fish eat?

Grace: What do kangaroos eat?

Farrah: How do panthers swim?

Lucy: What do pigs eat?

Max: What do tigers eat.  I know, but I forgot.

Ren: Can gorillas lift weights?

Charlotte: Do pandas swim?

Kaia: What do kitties do?

Anne: I want to know everything about my puppy .

Great questions! 

                  For story time we were joined by Farrah's mom, Heather.  She read Dragons Love Tacos. 
Most of the class agreed they love tacos as well.

When we got to the part where the boy buries the very spicy salsa in the ground.   Max voiced his thoughts by adding  " And salsa trees will grow."   If only this were true:)

We still had time before P.E. and the children decided they would like to to read another version of the three little pigs.

This story was very different from the other versions we have read as the pigs come out of the story and go into other stories inviting characters from those books to join them.

We began a conversation about how stories are split into three parts.  We looked at the  other versions. Thinking about the beginning, middle and end.

What happened a the beginning of the story?

Charlotte: We met the wolves

What happened in the middle of the story?

Ren: The big bad pig!

How does the story end?

Max: It says The End!

Livio: He smelled the flowers, he became good.


Our initial plan was to continue with our self portrait work and finish painting our skin color on the 2D and 3D representations.  When we got outside the children were so engaged we decided to stay outside, and enjoy the beautiful weather.    We even ate snack and had story time with Mr Andrews outside.


What happened to Johnny in Mr Andrews story?

What creature did the three little pigs invite to live with them?

We are looking for yogurt pots or small plastic containers for a project we are starting next week.  


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